Wednesday, November 24, 2010

At least I am wiser than I was yesterday

My biggest problem in life is – People change, and forget to tell each other...

I would go as far as to compare my divorce with cancer.
Its been an absolute torturous, agonising, drawn out, suffocating, crushing experience, where in the end, when death arrives, the numbness is so overwhelming, that death is far from being the  worse part.

I didnt even have chemo therapy, so the pain was constant and consuming. I never lost my hair, but I did however loose a couple of teeth (only two, due to stress OKAY) and developed a stomach ulcer.
Dearest divorce, Herewith, find my medical bills attached...

I got a call from our facilitator at 3 noon, to say that the papers are ready and we're meeting at six to sign it.... Here I was, trapped in my prison cell, waiting upon my lethal injection, due to my death sentence - and no request for a last meal.
As much as I couldnt wait to get this man, signed out of my life, signing the actual paper, is merely a formality. In all reality, getting rid of him, would take far more than just my signature. Everyone told me all the time - as soon as the papers are signed, its like going to the loo after being constipated for 8 months....not quite.

I had to initial 24 pages, against my will. It took about 25 seconds in reality, but emotionally it took 40 years – as clearly indicated by the newly found lines formed right below my eyes.
Just like dog years compared to human years...

Similar to death, your marriage vows, images of photos together, video clips, corny love songs, first farts together, engagement, fights, throwing things at each other – nothing too serious, slamming doors, kissing and making up, birth of your first born, moving into your first home – it all FLASHES through your brain, like your about to endure some epileptic fit. Some incompetent paparazzi, with his large camera and double volume flash, just snapping away, without your consent.

As much as your trying to hold on to these in a good way, they evaporate far into the universe, never to be felt or experienced ever again.

This was clearly no celebration, as I was so eagerly, confidently told by my friends. I even purchased a bottle of champagne, to cure my post divorce blues and cling my glass in the air, congratulating myself on this tremendous journey, well...the bottle is still lying in my fridge...
There were no photographers like at our wedding, capturing this “celebration” No one giving speeches of what amazing people we are, no first dance, no 4 course meal, no walking down the isle, no first kiss, no honeymoon, no champagne, no bouquet being thrown up in the air...Just me, Mr X, our witnesses and the facilitator.

After handing over the "textbook", consisting of me binding myself to some lawful agreement written out mostly in latin, my now ex husband, pulled out his hand wanting to shake mine, as a gesture of "we did it" "its over" "at last" “congratulations”
Good lord. Really? Really, really, really? We didn't accomplished anything?! Its not like we just found a solution for hill billies or a cure for womans facial hair?! Why shake my hand? What for? What an easy cop out.
At this point in time, the only hand gesture he was going to receive was my hand on his cheek, approximate speed R180km per second.
Nevertheless, I have, or I think I have, I TELL myself I have, mastered the art of calming my every grievous, flagitious thought, and narrowing them down to simple hand gestures like waving. Definitely not doing myself any justice, but at least I walk away with, uhm, er, pride?

So here I am, again. Crossroads ahead. Achievements : none. Ambitions : ? Age : 27...The great AAA.
Love stares back at me, with sarcastic, undignified hand suggestions : the good old thumbs up . The one that means, Good luck lass. Better luck next time. Like a silly thumb can establish my history in the making. Screw you thumb.

Then the “beating yourself up” emotional roller coaster starts;
How did I allow life to take me this far down the road of misfortune. How did things become so hopeless? Am I not in control of my own destiny? Am I not worth a second chance? Was it really that bad? Am I incapable of finding love?

Most people can look back over the years and identify a time and place at which their lives changed significantly. Whether by accident or design, these are the moments when, because of a readiness within us and a collaboration with events occurring around us, we are forced to seriously reappraise ourselves and the conditions under which we live and to make certain choices that will affect the rest of our lives.

So .... 
Stand back, Control yourself. Take only what you need from it.

Change means movement, movement means friction. - Only in the frictionless vacuum of a nonexistent abstract world can movement or change occur without that abrasive friction of conflict - Saul Alinsky

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


If your a father figure in South Africa, count your blessings, because unless you have a criminal record for man slaughter and gang banging, you have plenty of rights towards your child. 

My husband left, without saying where he was going, presumably, the shops, only to hear that he is on a two week ski trip in the Swiss Alps, and he is not returning to our home, when returning to South Africa. 

Obviously overwhelming desperate thoughts of panic would enter any normal woman's mind...I think I ate a loaf of bread with fish paste and jam, then drank a shot of tequila with milk and had a box of cigarettes all in the time span of 60 seconds..
Denial is someone who will then within immediate effect enter your life and be your best friend for at least a couple of months. Denial is also related to, I think they are cousins, or small cousins, Bargaining, Loneliness and Anger.

Nevertheless, my husband never made contact during this time, and never tried to find out about the well being of his child. I can understand this... I mean obviously skiing down the slopes, with a Heidi Klum wannabe look a like, is far more rewarding than a druling one year old saying gaggaagaa on the other end of the line. 

In this time of his absence, I tried my absolute best to remain calm and to not indulge by drinking with my new found friends, Denial and his relatives. I didnt actually have a choice, as I had to remain in control for the sake of my little ones.
In fact, mothers never have a choice. We always have to wear this armour of stability. It comes with the title. 

Thus, having had to remain calm and reasoning with my every thought of Vodka funneling, nothing could prepare me for what lied ahead in the next couple of months on his return. 

Obviously returning with big smiles, having had the luxury of an amazing ski holiday, his worries was more aimed towards things like, “Mmmm, I wonder whether there is big swell today, as I would love to go surfing” At least, this was his concern for the first hour, after he landed. There after things became, more terrifying than a township tour.

Firstly, I received a letter from his lawyer, stating his (understatement) pathetic reasons for a divorce, as well his reasoning behind custody of our son. He basically tore out every single page from my diary, and published it in order to gain custody. What divorce really does is, takes every single bad quality, you usually despised about your partner, and then magnifies it beyond compare. He would dig out old cows that barely had its bones left, just to prove his point. If it meant that he had to strip me down naked, till only my soul is left, then taking my soul and spitting on it, well, he did it.

Thankfully I had a sober judge that rebuked his nonsense, and after he abducted my son for a week, had to return him with immediate effect.
This then lead us to a long enduring mediation process where basically the law makes decisions for you, as the two people who were best friends for three years, are now the most incompatible people alive. 
Something in the line of a 27 and a 28 gang member in the same alley, 3 am, Mitchells Plain... 
It was during this time, I realized that, unless a father has a criminal record of shooting down his entire family with a shotgun and chainsaw, he has every right, to his child. Regardless if he has a 24/7 work day! This then led to a parent plan, where the mediator laid out a month to month schedule, which gave the father of my child equal rights to me. 

It doesnt matter whether your uterus and fallopian tube did all the work of growing the seed inside you as well as feeding it.
It doesnt matter whether you had to carry this seed who grows into the size of a large moon, for 40 weeks. 
It doesnt matter that you had to squeeze a moon out of an ant hole. 
It doesnt matter that you lost your perky breast, now have stretch marks – even on your eyelids – and have to be the one that wakes up all night in order to let the little beautiful oyster suck onto your breast like there is no tomorrow. 

None of these factors matters, because according to some law, some child act, that some psychologist like Freud decided, fathers can now have 50% say. Like some discount special.
I find it so peculiar that scientist have the right to use our children as their guinea pigs. Little innocent test babies. Every few years a new law gets generated and the custody laws change according to some psychologist with 5 grey hairs left and indents on his face to prove his rooted wisdom or something...or not. 

I honestly understand the importance of fathers, as I have an incredible relationship with my father. I believe that children needs both their parents, and by no means am I trying to negate the importance of either roles. I am merely confused as to how my 20 month old son, who cant even speak yet, can be separated from myself, for a period of 2-3 days at a time. 

According to research, Mothers are more likely than fathers to encourage assimilative and communion-enhancing patterns in their children. Mothers are more likely than fathers to acknowledge their children's contributions in conversation. The way mothers speak to their children is better suited to support very young children in their efforts to understand speech (in context of the reference English) than fathers.

No where in history has any father claimed a title such as – Bachue, Bithiah, Demeter, Yashoda, Dewi Sri, Eve, Gaia, Isis, Jocasta, Juno, Mary, Sita, Venus or Mother Theresa.

Some of the most amazing historical figures from decades ago, where bought up, predominantly by their mothers. Jesus, Ghandi, Einstein and many more, are profound men who walked this earth, with their mothers as primary figures in their lives. More recent research has found that maternal separation can profoundly affect the brain’s biochemistry, with lifelong consequences for growth and mental ability. Indeed, as one expert put it, the attachment relationship that a young child forges with his mother “forms the foundation stone of personality.” 
I suppose we live in an era where motherhood gets severely underestimated, where fathers try and over ride the importance of mothers. Where mothers are frowned upon if they dedicate their lives to their children and dont have a career. 

Are woman merely being seen as some surrogate, only function being, carrying the child...

Fact of the matter is, in the end of the day, God could not be everywhere and therefor he made mothers. 

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Dear dear Santa claus...

Santa Claus, the perfect woman, the perfect man and the Tooth Fairy get into a car accident -- who survives?
Answer: The perfect woman, because the other three don't exist.....

This question has been running through my head for a dont roll your eyes so far back into your head that your head explodes...

Question : Does Prince charming really exist?

More appropriate question, what qualities would prince charming have if he did however exist amongst the thorns out there?
The classical description of “prince charming” is – a typically well groomed adolescent. He frequently wears a sash or ribbon around his princely uniform, and often sports a small, waxed moustache.
The next question that arises is, why were Snow white, Cinderella and Sleeping beauty so easily satisfied?
How desperate were they? I suppose they all initially had legitimate reasoning behind their romances. Cinderella really didn't have it good. Sleeping beauty and Snow whites, lives depended on it. In all reality, they kind of did need that kiss in order to awake their death sentences. 
Obviously this will follow with a whole new set of questions. What man knows how to kiss a woman to awake her from such a deep sleep, what if his breath was unbearable and his moustache had chunks of food in it, what man, who lives in a castle would actually notice a shoe on his steps, never mind, go out and try and find the woman it belongs to? I could carry on, but there are more important questions needing to be answered...

I was only married for two years. My, not so prince charming had a totally different view on satisfying my needs. 
For instance, his ideal weekend consisted purely out of – time out. Now, time-out to some  of us means, a stroll on the beach, accompanied by a cocktail, watching the sun set in each others eyes, ending off with perhaps an unexpected bunch of flowers, or putting it in a more specific term – time together.
Well well well, if that's what you think your marriage weekends might consist of, think again...long and hard, and then long again.
"Time out" consist of : playing TV games, surfing, watching TV, staring at the wall (just because), scratching balls, spending at least two hours on the loo, going out with male friends or sitting in front of the computer, cause there is always something that needs to be done on the computer.

I suppose it is, in fact essential for men to take "time out". It must be challenging returning home from an enduring, tough day at work, to his wife, who just; cooked, went to work, cleaned, sorted the kids out, gymed, fixed the light bulbs as well as the door that's been off its hinges for months now and still manages to look absolutely fabulous in order for her husband to not start noticing his 22 year old secretaries legs and forget the colour of her eyes.

I personally dont think I am asking for much. I really dont expect my husband to come home every night with a bunch of flowers and massage my feet with lavender oils and then serenade me a poem that he wrote that day, during his lunch hour. In fact, that would be off putting, and by no means romantic.
I think, prince charming, would know what I needed without me having to tell him. Prince charming would not wait until wicked whiny witch from the west comes for a visit - and then doubting myself being bi-polar - before attending to my needs/household needs. The perfect man, does not need to be asked to do something....he just knows.
Hereby I dont mean he must be able to read minds, I merely mean he must have a mind of his own. A brain. He must be able to tap into all aspects of his brain, and in some file, perhaps on the right side, he will find -

Be sensitive
Love her unconditionally, just the way she is
Surprise her occasionally (not by telling her your fired)
Take out the trash
Encourage her/support her
Kiss her unexpectedly
Hold her hand
Always lie when the question “do I look fat in this” get proposed.
Laugh at her lame jokes
Just pretend to like “Gossip Girl”
Ask directions
Take the kids out on a Saturday, while she stays at home with a good read.
Praise her cooking
Just listen
Love her a lot and dont try to understand her at all.
See her imperfections, perfectly...

Look. I am not saying he is not out there, but your chances are more likely, that you'll see a shocking pink, black dotted duck flying backwards. If you have seen this, well, let me know where.
I personally have not encountered prince charming myself. Why this is worrying is mostly because I am in my peak, being quite young and all. If I cant seem to find Mr perfect when my breast aren't resting on my feet yet, well, things aren't looking too great.
To end off, I found this poem, which I found quite true. Otherwise, let me know if you spot that duck somewhere....

"The Perfect Man"

The perfect man is gentle—
Never cruel or mean.
He has a beautiful smile
And keeps his face so clean.

The perfect man likes children
And will raise them by your side;
He will be a good father
As well as a good husband to his bride.

The perfect man loves cooking,
Cleaning, and vacuuming too
He’ll do anything in his power
To convey his feelings of love on you.

The perfect man is sweet,
Writing poetry from your name.
He’s a best friend to your mother
And kisses away your pain.
He never has made you cry
Or hurt you in anyway.
Oh, screw this stupid poem!
The perfect man is gay!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Me, myself and me.

Imagine we could have a real life button that SAVES. Or perhaps some kind of a NSRI or SPCA for human relationships...
A life jacket is the only equipment, offered to save you, when your out at sea, in the case of an emergency.
Its purpose is to prevent you from drowning.
No one else can wear the jacket for you. No one else can save you. Your options consist of kicking against the waves and fight the powerful waters of the ocean, or to just go with it.

One of the things an air hostess instructs, before departing, is to place the oxygen mask over yourself first, in the event of the aeroplane de-pressurizing, only after doing so, you can try an assist/help someone else.

In nature, there are various ways of surviving.
Most animals and plants, have the skill to camouflage. Some techniques vary. Mimicry is a technique that consists of adaptation. Adapting to look like something else. An example of this is the hawkmoth that looks like a dead leaf. This way its enemies cant make the distinction between a leaf or a piece of food. A camel for instance, can go a week or more without water, and they can last for several months without food.

As humans, some of us tend to go with the option of camouflaging. By becoming transparent to the world, we feel protected, safe, untouchable.
However, this might work for animals, but in the long run, humans cant really survive this way. Its like playing hide and seek with no one seeking. Good luck.

People panic when they find themselves lost. Look at Quick sand... If you panic and struggle, you'll sink. If you relax however, your body's buoyancy will cause you to float. By being patient, and not aggravating the situation more, you'll find yourself being able to shift your focus and utilise your energy more specifically orientated...
“What we actually learn, from any given set of circumstances, determines whether we become increasingly powerless or more powerful.”

By acknowledging the present and embracing it, being true to the situation, your chances of survival are larger than trying to fight the inevitable. I have personally experienced this feeling of being lost in this over populated world. Sometimes I just want to raise my white flag or tattoo SOS on my forehead, but I dont think this will make a difference.

No one can rescue you, you have to rescue yourself. You can choose to drown or hold your breath for a couple of seconds and revive yourself....ask yourself.....

What have you got to loose?