What is this huge need for virtual friends? How come its so important to have 400 friends - and counting on Facebook.
Today I got asked by the Facebook registration page, why I am leaving Facebook. Why should I have to explain to a virtual friendship website why I choose not to be friends anymore?
Facebook in my opinion is for lazy people who consider their lives far more important than making the effort to visit a friend who is sick instead of writing on their walls that your “thinking of them” Or instead of sending an sms, or even an email, we have become so dysfunctional that we take literally two seconds out of our day to write “Happy birthday”
I honestly don’t feel special when I receive 30 message on my wall from random strangers wishing me a “Happy Birthday” How easy is that?
I think we have become so caught up in ourselves and we prance around on this centre stage, updating our status, filled with emotion, every 5 minutes - for everyone to see. Why is it that we get such satisfaction to let everyone know that we “are wearing blue socks today” Or our pathetic epiphanies we have had on relationships and friendships and family. We consume our minds with garbage from magazines and headlines, that we don’t even notice we are mini little wannabe celebrities ourselves. Drama queens. Except, we are our own paparazzi, as we exploit ourselves. How sad is that.
We cant even switch off our phones for and hour, during a movie, never mind a whole day. Why do we think the world needs us this much? We use to live in a world where we didnt have cellphones and people couldnt get hold of us. Imagine that? Imagine actually being on time for a change instead of smsing, your appointment “your running late”.
We are caught up in this fast pace world. God forbid you dont check your email for one day, you might actually lack behind in the race. What race? The race this world has created. The race that we are being forced to win at, otherwise we are considered useless, losers, a no body. We are what we perceive ourselves as, through others eyes.
I WAS THE FIRST MEMBER YAY! I'm glad u doing this cands. helps to process. Love your style.